middle school math class

Middle School Education, Bachelor of Science (B.S.): Mathematics and Science Area of Concentration

The Middle School Education, Mathematics and Science Area Concentration, Teaching Program (an undergraduate major) is designed to prepare candidates to earn a Bachelor of Science degree and to meet the MSDE requirements for dual certification in mathematics and science grades 4-9. The program courses are closely aligned with standards set by the State of Maryland and the Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE).

Students take a set of mathematics and science courses.  The mathematics courses are particularly geared toward middle school teacher candidates.  They include courses in mathematical problem solving, numbers and operations, algebra and geometry, and statistics and probability.  The science component includes courses in physics, chemistry, biology, and atmospheric and geological sciences.  All candidates also take education courses in middle-level philosophy and pedagogy, equity and diversity, science and mathematics teaching methods, and adolescent development.

For information on undergraduate admission to the University, please .

Once admitted to the University, students in the College of Education must meet the Selective Admissions requirements in order to proceed into the Professional portion of the Middle School Mathematics and Science Education program.  The Selective Admissions requirements for the Middle School Mathematics and Science Education program are as follows:

Academic Requirements

  • Completion of a minimum of 45 credits
  • Cumulative 金光佛论坛 GPA of 2.75 or higher; 3.0 GPA is recommended for best consideration
  • Completion of lower-level Fundamental English requirement with a 鈥淐-鈥  or better
  • Completion of lower-level Fundamental Math requirement with a 鈥淐-鈥  or better
  • Minimum passing scores on a Basic Skills Tests (see advisor for details)

Gateway Courses

  • Satisfactory completion of TLPL 251 (or approved substitute/s) with a 鈥淏-鈥  or better
  • Satisfactory completion of the following courses with a 2.7 GPA:
    • MATH 212 鈥 Elements of Mathematics
    • MATH 213 鈥 Elements of Geometry
    • 4-Credit CORE Physical Science with Lab course (PL)
    • 4-Credit CORE Biological Science with Lab course (LL)

Experiential Requirements

  • A resume that shows prior experience in the education field with youth in the age range you intend to teach
  • A written goal statement
  • Two letters of recommendation (one must be from a faculty member or instructor)
  • Satisfactory rating on the College of Education Foundational Competencies/Model Code of Ethics for Educators (FC/MCEE)

STEP ONE: Apply for  to the University

Once admitted to the University, proceed to Step Two after working with a COE Academic Advisor.

STEP TWO:  Please submit your application to the Professional Teacher Education Program online.

Please contact the Office of Student Services, ed-advising@umd.edu, or 301-405-2364.

For more information visit the COE Undergraduate Advising website

For a list of the College of Education Scholarship opportunities please click here.

Year 1

MS Mathematics and Science Concentration, Year 1
ENGL 101 (AW)3MATH 2123
Mathematics (MA)3Science Sequence II (GEOL 100/110)3
Science Sequence I (PHYS 115)(NL)4Humanities (HU)4
Humanities (HU)3Social Science (HS)3
UNIV 1001TLPL 251: Introduction to Teaching3
Total Credits14Total Credits16

Benchmark Requirements: ENGL 101 with C- or higher; MATH 110 or higher with C- or higher


Year 2

MS Mathematics and Science Concentration, Year 2



MATH 2133MATH 2143
Science Sequence III (BSCI)3Science Sequence IV (CHEM)3
I-Series3Scholarship in Practice (SP)3
Oral Communication (OC)3Analytic Reasoning (AR)3
TLPL 200: Exploring Teaching as a Career or TLPL 360: Foundations of Education3TLPL 252: Students, Schooling, and Communities (Spring only)3
Total Credits15Total Credits15

Gateway Requirements: must be completed by 60 credits; Gateways courses to be completed with 2.7 or higher; MATH 212; MATH 213; NL; NL; TLPL 251with B- or higher; Test of Basic Skills

Year 3

MS Mathematics and Science Concentration, Year 3
Understanding Plural Societies (UP)3MATH 3123
Science Sequence V  (AOSC I-Series)3Science Sequence VI (Elective)3
Professional Writing (PW)3EDHD 4363
TLPL 462: Reading in the Secondary School3EDHD 4133
TLPL 413: Teaching and Learning Middle School Mathematics3Understanding Plural Societies (UP)3
Total Credits15Total Credits15

Apply to the College of Education by December 1st.


Year 4


MS Mathematics and Science Concentration, Year 4


Year-long internship
MATH 3153TLPL 424: Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades II2
MATH 3143TLPL 489: Internship in Education12
TLPL 479: Field experience1TLPL 476: Equity and Pedagogy2
TLPL 475: Equitable Classrooms2  
TLPL 420: Knowledge, Reasoning, and Learning in Science3  
TLPL 423: Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Middle Grades I2  
TLPL 480: Teaching Academically, Culturally, and Linguistically Diverse Students in Secondary Education2  
Total Credits16Total Credits16


Program Requirements and Major Four Year Plans

Dr. Daniel Levin, dlevin2@umd.edu

To access Undergraduate Forms, Policies and Procedures, click here.